talk to yourself, talk to the tears. talk to the man who put you here. & don’t wait for the sky to clear.

first, let me make it clear:
  1. it's not likely that i'm gonna get married any time soon; but of course i still want to get married in the future (with God's permission :D).
  2. i haven't dated any guy before ('puppy love' doesn't count, okay?), hence i'm not quite experienced in such matter. so please forgive me if this writing turns out to be too naive & you ended up feeling nauseous (p.s. vomit bag is unavailable).
  3. my future boyfriend(s), please do not freak out. i'm not in a rush, hope you're mature enough to know that it's just a writing. plus, you'll be very lucky if you still go along the way until the wedding bell rings (though i hope you do).
  4. so, what's the use of this writing? later in the future, i'd like my future husband to read it. i just want him to know that i'm gonna love him whole-heartedly in spite of his imperfections (& this letter's gonna tell him that). aww...

dear future husband,

i'm just wondering, do i know you or have we met before? or maybe at this time you're still a complete stranger out there? wherever you are right now, i just want to let you know that i cannot wait for the day when we bump into each other & fall in love. firstly, what should i call you? i don't want to call you 'honey', 'babe', or 'love' because everyone calls his/her partner that way. it'll be pretty much confusing when we're lost in the crowd, right? hmm, should i call you by name? but i still don't know your name yet at this moment. ah, what's in a name as long as i can call you my own?

tell me, tell me everything about you, for i still have no clues yet. all i know is that you will respect & love me with all you have, as much as i will respect & love you with all i have. all i know is that together we're gonna fulfill God's perfect plan. all i know is that you're gonna treat me well, like the way you treat your beloved mother. all i know is that you're gonna accept me for who i really am & you will never push me to change to be somebody who i am not. i'm not a psychic for telling you these; i knew these because these are the same things i'm gonna do to you.

what are you like? what's your dream? what's your favorite musics? do you like to go to the movies? are you more like, a cat person or a dog person? where do we go on our first date? there are zillion things i want to know about you, but i guess it won't be long for me to find out. hopefully. but whatever it is, i want to let you know that i don't care if you don't look like Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Takuya Kimura, i don't care if you don't sing as good as Finn Hudson, i don't care if you don't enjoy movies as much as i do, i don't care if you do have a horrible taste of music, i don't care if you rarely give me phone calls because you're too busy living in your own little world, i don't care if you still love watching cartoons. why? because i'm gonna accept you for who you really are, & that includes your every beautiful imperfection. just so you know, your heart is the one that fascinates me, it is the only thing that i hope will never change :)

well, have you ever wondered about me? hmm, i'm definitely not the prettiest face you've ever seen, i don't have the skinniest waist for you to hug, i don't have the perfect smile, & sometimes i do talk too much. i still enjoy having conversations with my cats & enjoy the late-nite snacking. sometimes i eat a little bit too much & i don't wanna go dieting. i can be very opinionated towards something & people start calling me stubborn. i'm very perfectionist at times & i work alone better. i suck at planning & i'm not good at organizing stuff either. dear, i have my flaws, & so do you. the beauty of our relationship is that we will be able to accept each other's flaws regardless because of the love we will share.

i know that there will be fights, there will be tears, there will be struggles along the way. though at times i may fail, know that i will always work towards becoming a better woman, even after we are married. i'm not a good cook now, but i'm willing to learn how to cook better (read: cook something else other than fried rice :p) so i can prepare your breakfast & dinner everyday. i'm gonna teach our kids English & Dutch, i want them to be brilliant at school, just like their dad (read: you). every morning i'll send them off to school, while you're going off for works. i still want to have a professional career too, if you don't mind. but i promise that i'll do my best & put our family on my priority list. you see, i wanna be a great wife for you, a great mother for our kids, & a great lawyer for the society. and you, you're the perfect man to complete that vision. i hope i can complete yours too :)

hmm, isn't it funny that right now both of us are wondering about each other's whereabouts. can't you imagine how God is eager for us to meet? but what can we do now other than keep searching for each other? somehow, my feeling says that you're not that far, you're somewhere near me, only i haven't realized it yet. let the time answer our curiosity, dear. meanwhile, let us be patient - for love always is.

last but not least, dear partner for life, God has vowed me that you're mine & i believe someday God will reunite us. until then, you'll remain in my prayers & hope that you'll find me soon. love you already with all my my heart. pray for me (just like i do for you).

your dearest future wife :)

5 comment:

koq berasa kayak lagunya Berryz Koubou.
Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama. ;-)
Well, I hope that you'll successfully found him.
I, myself still struggling too finding my future wife. :'(

oh ya? hahaha. saya belum pernah dengerin lagunya yang itu :p
ini terinspirasi dari website
menarik keliatannya, td ngga ada kerjaan, pusing mikirin skripsi, ya udah nulis ini aja.. hahaha.

wow, sukses juga bro :)
smoga dapet yang kayak cewe2 H!P xD

Ok, thx.
Btw, gak harus yang kayak cewe2 dari H!P koq.
Yang penting merasa nyaman selama berada di dekatnya.
Tapi gak memungkiri kalau misalnya dapet yg kayak cewe2 H!P pasti bahagia sekali :-P

anyway, url blog mu apa ndre? dulu ngga aku simpen daftar link dari template yg lama soalnya T.T
mau aku taruh di links ku, boleh kan?

Boleh banget, malah bisa ngebantu naikin hits blog saya.

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